A special issue will be published on the basis of the workshop papers.
The aim of the Chair is to ensure open science, while reaching a wide and specialized community. The Earth System Governance journal offers an open access option, with open access fees.
In order to maintain open access while maintaining excellence, the open science strategy for the special issue will be three-fold:
(1) pre-print versions of the research articles will be published on open science repositories (all the Chair Holder’s articles’ pre-print versions are available on DIAL (USL-B repository), ResearchGate and Academia), including through the European Commission OpenAIRE initiative;
(2) the main results of the special issue will be communicated through the Chair website, social media, and scientific blogs such as BePolitics, the scientific blog of the Belgian Association for Political Science (ABSP);
(3) OA costs will be supported by different funders, including the Chair, the Belgian National Fund for Research (FRS-FNRS), the institutions of the authors involved in the Chair and research networks such as the Earth System Governance network.