Scientific Workshop

The EUGlobalGreen workshop will take the format of a scientific workshop on the role of the EU with regards to the Anthropocene challenge. Building on the Chair’s experience, the workshop will follow a similar format to the WIRE Workshops.

This means that the workshop will tackle the key cross-cutting topic of the Chair, namely the EU and the Anthropocene challenge, and will discuss it extensively.

The valorisation of the results of the workshop will take the shape of a report and a special issue of an academic journal. The number of papers presented will be limited to 10, while the audience for the event will be the general public. The authors of the selected abstracts will be required to submit a draft paper of 7,000-8,000 words one month before the event, and all the papers will be circulated to the workshop participants in advance. The participants will be expected to read all papers, in order to prepare for lively discussions and interactions. At the workshop, each paper will be the subject of a rigorous discussion and brainstorming, starting with the comments of a designated commentator, after which the floor will be opened for comments and discussion by all participants. This format is designed to stimulate in-depth discussions, to provide authors with valuable expert feedback, and to allow participants to get acquainted in a collaborative setting.